Hit & Run is a Netflix original series created by the duo Avi Issacharoff and Lior Raz. The duo isn’t quite strange to Netflix, they became popular for creating the popular Israeli series called Fauda for Netflix. Hit & Run revolves around a husband who is hell-bent on investigating the death of his wife in Tel Aviv.
The Netflix original series features some of the best American actors and it maintains the action-thriller setting that is at par with Fauda.
Hit & Run Watch Online Free
At the time of writing, Hit & Run is available on Netflix. If you have a subscription to Netflix then you can watch the series without having to spend any money. However, if you do not have a subscription to Netflix you can still watch the series for free. Netflix provides a 30-day free trial to new users, hence, if you register yourself to Netflix as a new user, you can watch Hit & Run for free.
Once the free trial is over, you’ll be immediately charged with a plan that you selected earlier, so if you do not want to pay for Netflix, ensure to cancel the subscription on or before the 30th day.
Hit & Run Season 2 Release Date
The Hebrew-English espionage drama’s first season ended with Segev Azulai portray by Lior Raz sprinting around George Washington Bridge. The creators, on the other hand, have already hinted at the development that the series will span multiple seasons.
At the time of writing, there hasn’t been an official word from the streaming giant if Hit & Run will be back for season 2. But the rumors across the internet suggest that the filming of the second season will begin sometime this fall.
The cliffhanger suggests the renewal and release of a forthcoming season. There is also a chance that the series might seamlessly keep on with the mystery for a couple of seasons. Only time will tell if Netflix will greenlight a second season or not.