Here Are 10 Reasons To Smile Best 10 happy things from this week!

How’s everyone doing right now? Doing okay? Struggling a little, or maybe a lot?

Honestly, I’m not sure if anyone is feeling full-throttle awesome during these days of pandemic upheaval. We can all use a little pick-me-up, right?

Thankfully, there are always things we can find to make us smile. Here are 10 just from this week.

Enjoy a little joy-scrolling:

1. New dad buys a used washer and dryer and finds an awesome surprise inside.

The $400 he paid the guy for it was tucked into the lint filter. “A gift for the new baby.” Come on! People are awesome.

2. This toddler has the most infectious giggle ever.

I don’t care who you are, farts are funny. But this little cherub’s laugh makes them even funnier.

3. Who knew a dog kissing a fish could make us feel so happy?

Why is it so delightful to see different species of animals interact with each other? That fish just can’t get enough dog lovin’.

4. Modern-day superhero rescues a sheep trapped in a barbed-wire fence.

Everything about this is perfection. The expertise in handling a sheep. The figuring out how to heave it over the fence. The Steve-Irwin-meets-Thor vibe. And of course, the bleat of thanks at the end.

5. High school football player stopped to stretch an opponent’s leg when it cramped.

Good sportsmanship between opponents is always uplifting. Seeing it in young people in a highly competitive sport is extra heartwarming.

6. Preschooler brings ukulele to show-and-tell and puts on full-blown rock performance.

Kiddo is ROCKIN’. OUT. Amazing.

And to make it even better, someone added what it looked like he was hearing while he “played”:

7. This traditional folk dance from the Philippines is just pure, joyful energy.

The Tinikling is a rhythmic dance that mimics a bird found in the Philippines called tickling. I could watch this all day.

8. Puffin and Binx, two rescued cats, can’t get enough of each other.

And we can’t get enough of them. Puffin and Binx were rescued from a hoarding situation and they are inseparable. Just look at them hugging. Cue all the endorphins.

9. These babies were accidentally switched at birth, and how the families handled it was amazing.

What do you do when you find out you’ve been raising someone else’s baby for three years? That happened to two families who found out their daughters had been switched at the hospital as newborns. After DNA tests confirmed it, they did the most extraordinary thing—the two families simply raised their kids together. Read the story here.

10. Let this 73-year-old skateboarder roll you into the weekend.

Those knees, though. Impressive, Igor. May we all carry this much joy with us into our older years.

Hope that brought some brightness to your day! Enjoy your weekend!