Greenpeace asks Nicholas Braun, Succession actor, not to sue them

Warning! This article contains spoilers SuccessionSeason 3.

If you’ve been watching the hit HBO drama Succession and are fully up to speed with everything that’s going on with the dysfunctional Roy family, then you’ll be aware that Cousin Greg is in a spot of bother with his inheritance money.

The awkward relative has been left in a quandary after learning that the sizeable amount of cash that he was hoping to inherit from his Grandpa, Ewan, will instead be given to environmental activists Greenpeace, as a way of counteracting his family’s obsession with money.

This has left Greg with the unusual moral conundrum of whether he should attempt to sue Greenpeace to try and get his money back – which is the kind of greedy capitalism mentality that Succession so brilliantly satirises.

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Greenpeace UK reached out to Nicholas Braun (the actor playing Greg) in an unusual moment of art imitating life. Greenpeace UK also provided a link to an article explaining why you should give some money to them or donate a few pounds.

Braun, who is worth following on Twitter, quipped back to Greenpeace, stating that he (or Greg!) is “still gonna do it”Perhaps indicating the direction his character will take in this season’s episodes.

Save The Children asked, perhaps fearing they would be the next in line. “oh no are we next? we thought Tom was kidding…”This joke is in reference to Tom Wambsgans (a Succession character): “What’s next, Greg? Suing Save the Children?” in response to Greg’s plans to go after Greenpeace.

Braun assured Save The Children that Braun would tell them: “The children are safe.”

All’s well that ends well unless you are Greenpeace, who should probably be preparing to lawyer up, at least in a fictional sense.