GMB’s Susanna Reid and Alastair Campbell furiously hit out at government for no-show

Susanna Reid was left furious as she announced that despite the reported fuel shortage across the nation, no members of Boris Johnson’s cabinet would be appearing on Good Morning Britain today.

It comes after thousands flocked to petrol station forecourts to fill up their tanks following claims that there are short supplies of petrol and diesel.

The government called for drivers to act “responsibly” as motorists formed huge queues outside petrol stations, with some being forced to close.

Speaking over the weekend, Transport Secretary Grant Shapps revealed that the army could be brought in to drive HGVs that are designed to carry fuel.

Susanna Reid hit out as she explained the government would not be appearing on Good Morning Britain

Speaking directly to viewers at home, Alastair who recently spoke at a climate change conference said: “No representatives of the government there and no representative of the government here today, either.”

Susanna said: “You’d think at a moment of crisis that communications were absolutely key but we can confirm that we do not have a minister of Her Majesty’s government on the programme this morning, despite the fact, there is now a shortage of petrol on the forecourts.”

Alastair continued: “The army may be getting called in to help drive our trucks for the petrol.”

“Everybody’s worried about running out of food,” Susanna added.

She went on to say: “I know, we don’t want to cause panic but, frankly, people are concerned right now because there is a massive shortage of HGV drivers.”

Alastair was left furious as he addressed the government, who are currently sitting, saying it is “extraordinary” that no Members of Parliament have been available for questioning.

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