Gavin Newsom Announces State Will Mandate Vaccines for All Students

“We’re all left wondering as we move through the summer surge,”Gavin Newsom, the Governor of California said Friday. “What lies ahead of us in the winter and the spring…There’s still a struggle to get to where we need to go.”

He announced then that the state would require all students enrolled in instruction in person who are of age to be vaccinated.

The first phase is for children aged 7-12 years old, and the second phase will be for children aged K-6 years old. Both elementary and secondary public schools are eligible for the mandate.

Newsom framed the idea in terms vaccines that are already required to attend school in the state.

“A statewide requirement for in-person instruction to add to a well-established list — that currently includes 10 vaccinations — the Covid vaccine. We intend to do that as soon as the FDA approves the vaccine.”

Newsom explained that for kids 712 years and over, the timeline will start. “once the FDA approves the vaccination.”He said that when that happens, “we will begin to apply that requirement in the next term.”

When he was asked about the November FDA approval, his answer was that if it happens, the rules will likely be in January.