Fussy Eater Spends £300 on Suitcase Full of Pot Noodles – Ultimate All-Inclusive Grill Adventure

Woman Pays £300 for Extra Suitcase Just for Food on All-Inclusive Holiday

Rebecca Phillips and John Fork out £300 for Extra Suitcase Just for Food on Luxury Trip

A WOMAN forked out £300 to stuff an extra case with 21 pot noodles and a GRILL – despite staying at an all-inclusive. Rebecca Phillips booked a £1,400 luxury trip to Egypt but still worried the cuisine wouldn’t be enough to satisfy her husband John. Let’s delve into the extraordinary lengths this couple goes to ensure they have their favorite foods even while on vacation.

The Unusual Packing List:
Rebecca and John Take 86 Bags of Crisps, Bacon, and Sausages to Egypt

To cover all bases, the holidaymaker took hoards of instant noodles and sausages so her fussy eater hubby could enjoy “good old-fashioned English grub.” On their latest venture to Egypt, the couple boasted an itinerary of 21 pot noodles, 86 bags of crisps, two packets of bacon, a pack of 30 sausages, cans of tuna, a block of cheese, and brown sauce. Sweet treats weren’t forgotten about, with 30 Club Biscuit bars, 16 bags of sweets, and breakfast bars.

The Reasoning Behind the Special Packing:
Rebecca Accommodates John’s Fussy Eating with Special Food Preparations

It’s a standard practice for the pair, after John was left starving on a vacation three years ago – all he would eat was chips. To avoid the limited diet, Rebecca accommodates her partner’s tastes by bringing a trove of snacks and meals. The mum-of-one fills an entire suitcase with sweets, chocolate bars, porridge pots, and packets of sausages and bacon for their two-week jaunts. She even takes a George Foreman grill with her so John doesn’t have to forego his morning bacon and sausage sarnie.

John’s Picky Eating Habits:
John Confesses to Picky Eating Habits

John, 40, admits he’s been a picky eater since childhood. However, his love for good old English grub motivates Rebecca to cater to his specific tastes even during vacations. The lager lout also confessed the only reason they spring for all-inclusive is the free-beer.

Final Thoughts:
Rebecca and John’s Holiday Food Excursion

Despite paying a whopping £300 for an extra suitcase for the feast, Rebecca doesn’t seem to bat an eyelid. “It doesn’t annoy me. I love food and I love cooking food so the fact he’s happy with something he’ll enjoy, I prefer that,” she explained. It seems like this couple has found a unique way to enjoy their vacations, even if it means bringing their daily comforts along.

By adjusting their packing list to include their favorite foods, Rebecca and John have found a way to make their holidays truly enjoyable, carrying on their tradition of bringing a taste of home wherever they go.