Father stabbed his 3-year-old daughter to death at Starbucks, after asking him not to smoke near the toddler.

According to his family, a DAD was stabbed to death in Starbucks when he asked a man not vape in front his daughter.

Paul Schmidt, 37 years old, died while in Vancouver, Canada, visiting a coffee shop with Erica, her three-year-old daughter.


Paul Schmidt, three years old, was attacked and killed in front Erica.

This horrifying video was posted at 5:30 on Sunday. It shows the attacker lunging at Paul.

He was seen staggering while clutching his stomach and collapsing in a pool of blood in front of Erica and his fiancée Ashley Umali.

Paul’s mum Kelly said she was told that the suspect — identified as Inderdeep Singh Gosa, 32 — knifed her son after he asked him not to vape in front of Erica.

“This is so horribly wrong what happened,” she told the Vancouver Sun


“He just wanted to be there for his little girl. I’m angry and I’m sad.

“It all started because he was vaping beside the baby.

“Ashley’s in shock — she watched the whole thing. She’s so devastated.”