Exposing Paula Vennells: Shocking revelations and cover-ups about Horizon problems unveiled

Title: Shocking Revelation: Post Office Boss Knew of Horizon System Issues Years Before Denying Them to MPs

Main Keyword: Post Office Boss Horizon System Issues

Secondary Keywords: Paula Vennells, Post Office, sub-postmasters, ITV News, Fujitsu, CBE, secret audio recordings

Subheading 1: Paula Vennells Warned of Horizon System Problems in 2013
Post Office boss Paula Vennells was informed of issues with the Horizon system two years prior to her denial before MPs. This confidential information was disclosed during a meeting with impartial investigators in 2013.

Subheading 2: Alarming Revelations in Secret Audio Recordings
The meeting with independent investigators revealed startling accusations that sub-postmasters’ branch accounts could be accessed remotely, a claim vehemently denied by the Post Office. Additionally, Vennells was cautioned that refuting any system faults was deemed “dangerous” and “stupid.”

Subheading 3: IT System Breaches and Legal Disputes

During the period when the meeting took place, the Post Office was embroiled in legal battles with sub-postmasters over branch discrepancies. Numerous individuals were wrongly convicted of various offenses between 1999 and 2015. Subsequently, it was disclosed that employees at Fujitsu, the IT system developer, had remote access to accounts to rectify system errors.

Subheading 4: Discrepancies in Paula Vennells’ Statements
Despite being informed about Fujitsu’s ability to remotely access accounts, Vennells contradicted this information in 2015 when she assured MPs that such access was not feasible. As the controversy unfolds, Vennells, who relinquished her CBE title in February, has refrained from addressing the leaked audio recordings.

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