Exclusive: Serial Dine & Dashers Finally Caught After Trying to Flee Pub Without Paying £62 Bill

Serial “Dine and Dash” Suspects Arrested After Fleeing Southend Restaurants

Essex Police confirmed the arrest of a couple suspected to be serial “dine and dashers” in the Great Wakering area near Southend. The duo was taken into custody on Thursday after officers responded to an address in the vicinity. Subsequently, the suspects were released on conditional bail until late July, with strict prohibitions to avoid any licensed premises serving food where payment is not made before consumption.

Fleecing Local Businesses: Couple Accused of Multiple “Dine and Dash” Incidents

In recent months, several local businesses in Southend fell victim to a couple making off without payment, resulting in hundreds of pounds in losses. The Pearl Dragon restaurant on Eastern Esplanade and the Castle Inn pub in Little Wakering reported incidents where the couple attempted to escape without settling their bills. Additionally, over ten taxi drivers alleged that the same pair had evaded paying their fares.

Heroic Intervention at Castle Inn: Customers Foil “Dine and Dash” Attempt

On April 23, Ken Todd, the 76-year-old landlord of Castle Inn, recounted an incident where loyal patrons prevented a man and woman from leaving the establishment without paying a £62.20 bill on April 21. Todd described the encounter as stressful, with the couple eventually being let go as pursuing them over the bill seemed unfeasible. Sergeant Carly Boitoult of the Southend Town Centre Team emphasized the importance of supporting the hospitality sector and pledged to assist establishments facing such crimes.