Exclusive: Kourtney Kardashian Reveals Shocking Details of Rocky’s Emergency Fetal Surgery

Title: Kourtney Kardashian Reveals Terrifying Pregnancy Scare


Kourtney Kardashian Pregnancy Scare Revealed

Kourtney Kardashian

, the reality TV star known for her role in the iconic show Kardashians, recently opened up about a frightening experience during her pregnancy. In November, she and her husband, Travis Barker, welcomed their son Rocky. However, on the season five premiere, Kourtney shared the details of an emergency fetal surgery that took place in September.

The Scary Moment

During the episode, Kourtney recalled a planned scan at home, where all her children would have the chance to see their new sibling. The doctor who conducted the scan was a high-risk specialist known for his thoroughness. During the scan, he noticed something concerning and recommended that Kourtney see additional specialists.

The Diagnosis

After consulting with the specialists, Kourtney was informed that her baby required immediate surgery the following morning. The news was described as “terrifying” and “stressful” by Kourtney. While the exact nature of the concern detected during the scan was not disclosed, Kourtney expressed that it developed rapidly.

The Miracle

Despite the alarming situation, Kourtney emphasized the miraculous timing of events that ultimately saved the day. She explained that her doctor reassured her, stating that the issue was not due to her age or any actions on her part. Instead, he classified it as a highly uncommon occurrence that simply happened.

In conclusion, Kourtney Kardashian’s candid revelation sheds light on the unexpected twists and turns that can accompany pregnancy. Her story serves as a reminder of the fragility and resilience inherent in the journey to motherhood.