Every Scream Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

1. “Scream” (1996)

Original “Scream” may never be topped, not because it’s perfect (although it practically is), but because its novelty defines it. Williamson’s nimble screenplay, Craven’s assured direction, the pitch perfect casting, the film’s avant-garde meta commentary on a subgenre long since written off as brainless, and even the film’s timing — arriving unexpectedly in an era where the horror genre had lost its identity — were distinct and unique ingredients that not only produced a ripping, character-driven, ingeniously plotted and scary horror film, they also ushered in a brand new era of shockers, self-aware and otherwise. Even the most successful follow-ups can’t match Williamson’s screenplay. “Scream” are trying to recapture this film’s lightning in a bottle. They all came pretty close to this film, which is testament to how amazing this series truly is.