Elon Musk Updates Twitter Bio to ‘Chief Twt’ in Advance of $44 Billion Acquisition Deadline

As far as we know, the deal hasn’t been closed yet, but Elon Musk updated His Twitter account is private on Wednesday with a new bio that suggests he’s finally going to close the $44 billion acquisition of the site despite months of his trying to get out of it.

Musk, the world’s richest man, now calls himself “chief Twit”And lists his current location. “Twitter HQ.”See the above image to see how that looks.

The Tesla CEO’s purchase of Twitter is supposed to close on Friday, after months during which Musk tried repeatedly to back out of the deal citing unproven accusations of membership fraud by the social media company. Twitter filed a lawsuit to force Musk to honor the agreement, which Musk fought for months until the beginning of October, when he offered to buy it at the original offer — if Twitter would drop the lawsuit first

Twitter has not agreed to these terms in order to clear up any misinformation that continues being spread. The company claimed that it only intended to close the deal, but did not withdraw the lawsuit. Less than 2 days later, Musk — in what one might assume was the plan all along — asked the trial judge to throw the case out, claiming Twitter was refusing “to take yes for an answer.” The judge didn’t buy that argument, but he did pause the legal process and ordered Musk to close the deal by Oct. 28, or else the lawsuit would proceed.

This brings us to Wednesday. Prior to changing his Twitter bio, Musk released video of himself entering Twitter headquarters while enacting a truly dumb pun — just go here and see for yourself. It seems that Musk finally said yes to his own answer. Of course, as noted above, Musk has repeatedly tried to get out of the deal, so we suggest taking all of this with a grain of salt until there’s a formal announcement.

If the deal is approved, Twitter will likely be a completely different place after he takes control. He already stated this. He would like to undo it all. the company’s content moderation policies, which were gradually enacted because Twitter became a haven for violent threats, harassment, disinformation and even election tampering during the 2010s.

Musk Also wants Donald Trump’s return to twitter — the disgraced former president was booted from Twitter after he used it to foment the attempted coup of Jan. 6, 2021 by spreading lies about the 2020 election.

Worse, Musk is rumored to be planning to fire up to 75% staff at Twitter, according to The Washington Post. This would of course deal a huge blow to the company’s ability to moderate content and protect user data.

It was almost a Twitter cliche for people to tag Jack Dorsey, the former CEO of Twitter, asking him to help them before the pandemic. “get the Nazis off Twitter,”Because the request was often phrased. These requests were not uncommon. They fell on deaf ears, until the events of 2020 and 2021 forced Twitter’s hand. Dorsey was elected CEO a year ago — but it looks like his influence will live on in the new owner.