Eddie Redmayne: “Wouldn’t Take” Trans Role in “the Danish Girl” Now

  • Central Recorderday Times was told by Eddie Redmayne that he believed in the existence of Eddie Redmayne. “wouldn’t take”His role in “The Danish Girl” now.
  • Redmayne was the first person to have gender reassignment surgery.
  • Critics criticized the lack of a trans-acting lead actor in the film.

Eddie Redmayne Central Recorderday TimesThat “it was a mistake”To play a trans-character in “The Danish Girl,”This film has been criticized because of its inauthentic casting.

“The Danish Girl,”The 2016 film was loosely based on Lili Elbe’s life, who was the first person to have gender reassignment surgery. Redmayne was the lead role and was nominated to win an Oscar for his performance. The movie was criticised for featuring a transgender actor playing a cisgender role.

Redmayne answered that he would continue to take on the role today when asked by Central Recorderday Times “No, I wouldn’t take it on now. I made that film with the best intentions, but I think it was a mistake.”

Kirsty Lang, the interviewer, pointed out that the movie had not been approved until Redmayne won an Oscar for his performance in “The Last Ship”. “The Theory of Everything.”Redmayne responded by saying: “The bigger discussion about the frustrations around casting is because many people don’t have a chair at the table. There must be a levelling, otherwise we are going to carry on having these debates.”

Redmayne’s co-star, Alicia Vikander in the movie, and Tom Hooper, the film’s director, have all defended the casting.

Eddie Redmayne.


Vikander stated in August to Insider that Redmayne had done it. “a wonderful job in the role.”

“I totally understand the criticism that has been out there, because we need to make change and we need to make sure that trans men and women actually get a foot in and get work,”Vikander won an Oscar in recognition of her role in “The Danish Girl,” said.

“My only concern is that we may need to get to a point in the end where we have trans women and men playing cis characters. Because that is the main thing, you know?” 

Redmayne Hooper madeRedmayne 2015: Similar arguments IndieWire should be referred toA trans actress was also part of the movie as a cisgender nursing assistant.

Queer filmmakers and actors told Insider that it “boils down to respect”As to whether or not it is appropriate for a straight cis male actor to play queer roles.

“What I’m not okay with is when there is no respect or when there’s a conscious decision,”Michael James Scott, a Broadway actor, said. “I question the motive behind that. Why can’t we try to find a queer actor first?”