Dwayne John Tears At Himself For How Ridiculous His First WWE Appearance Was

The idea that “Dwayne Johnson is a normal person just like us” is sure to inspire lots of people thinking something is very wrong with you, but the idea isn’t completely off-base, at least within a very particular set of parameters. While most people reading this wouldn’t be able to healthily indulge on Around 6,000 calories per dayIn the form of Six complete meals, and won’t be You will soon be playing a major DC superheroMost of us can relate to feeling like complete dorks in years past, without ever having any problems. Johnson is the same. 

Years before becoming one of Hollywood’s most affable and fun-to-watch blockbuster movie stars, Dwayne Johnson was one of the WWE’s Superstars who are most approachable and enjoyable to watch

. If you look back even further, you will see that he was a career-changing performer like The Rock. Jungle CruiseRocky Maivia was Rocky Maivia’s high-profile debut in pro wrestling. And after a fan celebrated the athlete’s 25-year career with a throwback pic TwitterJohnson called Johnson’s wildly original outfit a hilarious joke, for want of better terms.
https://twitter.com/TheRock/status/1461358578955022349″ data-url=”https://twitter.com/TheRock/status/1461358578955022349


Truth be told, it’s hard to think of a more clever or direct way to poke fun at Dwayne Johnson’s WWE debut beyond what the future Hall-of-Famer already slammed himself with. Because that is certainly a…particular…look that Johnson was trying to pull off while in Rocky Maivia-mode, from top to bottom. His Style choices and hairstyles from earlier in lifeThey have been a source of laughter for fans for years, with the assurance that not one of our embarrassing teenage looks will ever be shared by millions.

 In any case, back to hammily joshing about Johnson’s budget-barn costuming, which doesn’t even necessarily look like it needed to have been sourced to Michael’s. I’m fairly certain I could pull off the same aesthetic after a keenly planned trip to a Dollar General. It doesn’t matter where it came, but it looks good enough for the high school drama class. Rocky Maivia’s WWE DebutIf not, the actual debut. 

I mean, we’re talking a televised arrival within Madison Square Garden during a heightened precipice of popularity for the WWE, which would imply everyone trying to look their best. It all worked out, I think Dwayne Johnson did the same thing when he looked in the mirror. Perhaps the joke is on us all, and the Rocky Maivia duds are the fashion trend for 2022. Stranger things have ha…NO THEY HAVEN’T. 

As someone who can instantly recall donning glittery white tights and furry snowflake costume for my kindergarten class’ Christmas-themed performance in the late ‘80s, I’I would love to hear your thoughts. “Well, I went on to become one of the biggest entertainers in the world.”Instead of just “Well, I went on to split my pants in the second grade while trying to catch a Frisbee.” It’s all about the clothes, dear readers.

Rock fans are eagerly awaiting the return of the former champ Return to the ring in some formEven though his We have many projects coming up and we are always busyThis will likely keep it from happening for quite some time.