Drew Peterson Reveals His Innocence in a New Dateline Interview

Drew Peterson continues to claim his innocence following his conviction for the 2004 murder of Kathleen Savio.

A preview of Dateline‘s exclusive interview, airing Friday, Nov. 19, Peterson claims that he was wrongfully convicted for the death of his late ex-wife, Kathleen, whose remains were found in a bathtub in March 2004.

During his interview with NBC’s Natalie Morales, Peterson alleges that the prosecutors framed him for Kathleen’s death, saying, “The prosecution is making up facts. The prosecution staged a prosecution with Kathy. They took an accident and staged a prosecution. Everybody’s twisting it to make me look bad, okay? They’re twisting it to make their prosecution or what they’re trying to say against me work.”

And when Morales questions Peterson about allegations that he was “controlling” “threatening”With Savio, his other partners, and even his missing wife Stacy Peterson“The former police officer claimed that I was his wife.” “I was a loving husband, okay? I was, what can I say? I was a good husband, a good provider.”