Doctor’s viral hacks to quit smoking and beat nicotine cravings for good

WE’VE all got bad habits that we could do with kicking – and smoking is one of many.

If you have tried to quit smoking and are struggling with withdrawal, you’re not alone.


If you’re struggling with nicotine cravings then one doctor has revealed her top tips to beat themCredit: Getty – Contributor


Dr Jess Andrade revealed her top tips for beating cravings caused by nicotine

In the last 30 days searches for ‘nicotine withdrawal’ in the UK have increased by 130 per cent, data from Google Trends shows.

Although smoking is addictive, experts warn of the dangers associated with vaping. This is something that many people resort to when they quit smoking.

Experts discovered that even one vaping session can lead to an increase in your risk of getting cancer.

A single 30 minute session of vaping can lead to a significant increase in cellular oxidative stresses.

This occurs when there is an imbalance of free radicals, molecules that can cause cell damage, and antioxidants which protect cells from free radicals.

There are so many people who have quit smoking or vaping and struggle with cravings. This is why the TikTok video of one doctor on how to overcome cravings has gone viral.

The 5 ways to give up smoking

Here are five ways that will set you on the right path to stub out cigarettes for good

Think of the money: The coronavirus pandemic has created a financial burden for many people and smoking is an expensive habit to have.

Work out how much money you are spending on smoking each day. Then, add up the monthly amount and calculate how much you’ve spent on smoking over the course of the year.

You can think of other things you could do with the money, such as a vacation or saving for your goals.

A pack of 20 cigarettes costs around £14 in the UK.

Try a replacement: The NHS says one way to help stop smoking is to introduce a nicotine replacement.

Guidance from the NHS states: “Cigarettes are addictive, and self-control alone might not be enough for you to stop entirely.

You can improve your chances of success with nicotine replacement therapy (NRT). This is available on prescription from your GP, from your local stop smoking service or from a pharmacist. 

“You could also consider trying e-cigarettes. While they’re not risk-free, they are much safer than cigarettes and can help people stop smoking.”

Get help: The key thing to remember here is that you don’t have to go it alone when it comes to stubbing out cigarettes.

Your pharmacist or GP can help you decide the best course of action.

Join a support group: The NHS says that speaking to others in the same position as you can help you quit.

The NHS states that you are four times more likely than others to quit smoking if your local support group is there.

To find your nearest group, click here.

Prepare mentally: Last year over 300,000 Brits quite smoking amid coronavirus fears.

It’s not hard to quit smoking.

Because smoking is addictive, it can be difficult to quit.

Author of best-selling The Easy Way to Stop Smoking, the late Allen Carr, said: “There is absolutely nothing to give up… there is no genuine
pleasure or crutch in smoking.

“It is just an illusion, like banging your head against a wall to make it pleasant when you stop.”

Dr Jess Andrade‘s video has been commented on thousands of times and has over a quarter of a million likes.

Doja Cat’s “Get into It” song inspired her to share her top tips for fighting nicotine cravings.

Her top five tips are:

  1. Take a walk outside
  2. Chew some gum
  3. Grab a healthy snack
  4. Reorganise phone apps
  5. Text a friend for support

In another video, she revealed why you should never vape before bedtime.

Dr Jess said, “Vaping before bedtime could disrupt your ability to sleep well and how long you sleep at night.”

“That’s because nicotine is a stimulant, people on average slept 40 minutes less per night when they vaped before bed.”

Dr Jess also highlighted that vaping can lead to asthma.

“For some people quitting vaping is as easy as putting the vape down but for others they might develop a nicotine dependence which means when they stop vaping they will feel anxious, irritable and restless.”

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