Doctor Strange 2: Tony Stark may appear as Tony Stark

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is just over a month away, and There should be no doubt in anyone’s mind that the sequel is theThis year’s MCU movie. It will tell a big story and include many unexpected superheroes, such as Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch), Wanda [Elizabeth Olsen], Wong (Benedict Wong) and America Chavez (“XochitlGomez”). One of them Doctor Strange 2Tony Stark may be a cameo surprise.

However, it won’t be the Iron Man variant fans want to see back in Doctor Strange 2. Robert Downey Jr’s Tony Stark died at the end of the last Avengers movie.

Despite this, Iron Man Doctor Strange 2Rumors keep coming back in some way or other. We have another exciting version, which would allow Marvel to bring Tony Stark home. It is important to know this before we get started. big Multiverse of MadnessThere might be spoilers!.

Who is the Superior Iron Man? Doctor Strange 2

Since then, Doctor Strange 2Super Bowl trailer: Fans have speculated that Marvel may drop another Tony Stark variation. They claim this will be a stronger Superior Iron Man who lives in a different reality.

Marvel’s trailer already confirmed that Professor X (Patrick Stewart) will appear in the movie. We assume he will be the leader for the Illuminati. Another Captain Marvel variant, some assumed for the Tony Stark alternate version of Tony Stark, will also be part that team. That’s according to the same trailer. Rumours also suggest that Maria Rambeau (Lashana Lynn) is now Captain Marvel in this universe.

Ultron drones guarding prisoner Strange. Source: Marvel Studios

Then there’s the Doctor Strange 2Trailer showing Captain Carter’s shield. We expect Hayley Atwell to play a variant of the character we’ve discovered in What If…?.

There’s no confirmation that Tony Stark will appear in Doctor Strange 2None of this. There is one big clue: an Iron Man variant lurks around. Doctor Strange’s trailer is defended by the Ultron sentries. In the trailer we see them attacking Wanda.

It is clear that Tony Stark was the one who actually made them complete the Ultron programme. This reality has the robotic defense that the MCU’s Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) failed to deliver.

But it’s hardly enough to confirm that there’s a Superior Iron Man in the alternate reality where Professor X leads the Illuminati.

The face you make when you hear Patrick Stewart’s voice in a Multiverse of Madness trailer. Image source: Marvel Studios

The new Iron Man rumor

That didn’t stop all the Multiverse of MadnessIron Man leaked. Many were focused on Tom Cruise playing Tony Stark within the MCU. He is the actor Marvel desired for the role that was given to RDJ. And Doctor Strange 2This is the ideal place to give such a memorable Tony Stark appearance.

The jury is still out on this one. It seems like Tom Cruise is coming to the MCU, but it’s not clear if he’ll appear in Doctor Strange 2 or whether he’ll play Tony Stark.

Then there’s also the possibility of having RDJ back to the MCU after Tony Stark’s heartbreaking death in Endgame. He could play a different variant of Iron Man, although we’ve hardly had any rumors to support that idea.

We are now at the new Doctor Strange 2 Tony Stark RumorThis adds an exciting twist.

The Iron Man variant that we may see in Doctor Strange 2

would be a drone equipped with Tony Stark’s consciousness. This development, if accurate, would allow Marvel to keep the Iron Man secret. A Superior Iron Man variant could be voiced by RDJ. Fans will instantly recognize him.

There were theories that Marvel could use this trick in the past to get RDJ back into the MCU. Tony Stark would be buried but a digital copy of him would exist in order to power AI projects.

Despite this, we don’t have any way to verify it. Doctor Strange 2 rumor. We’ll just add it to the pile of other Tony Stark claims that we saw so far this year in connection with the upcoming blockbuster.

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