Doctor reveals simple ‘body hacks’ to banish hiccups and eavesdrop better

EVER wanted to be able to listen to people’s conversations without them knowing?

One TikTok doctor reveals how you can do that, and other body hacks.


If you often find yourself struggling to other people’s conversations then one doctor has some tips for you

Dr Anthony Youn revealed his body hacks which include how to stop the hiccups

Dr Anthony Youn explained that there is a way you can listen into a chat that wasn’t meant for you.

He explained: “Try listening with your right ear and not your left – your right ear is connected to the left side of your brain which processes speech and language.”

His posts on body hacks have gone viral and include a range of tricks and trips.

He also explained how to eliminate hiccups.

Hiccups can be caused by irregular electrical impulses in your vagus nerve.

Swallowing air can be the primary cause. This can be caused by eating too fast or smoking, as well as irritating your diaphragm.

Hiccups are sometimes thought to be a reflex to protect a person from choking.

Dr Youn said: “To get rid of hiccups, put two fingers right on your wrist crease and press down while you hold your breath for a few seconds.”

His advise comes after another TikTok doctor revealed a bizarre way that you can get rid of hiccups – but it’s not for the faint hearted.

Dr Karan Raj said that a rectal massage can relieve hiccups.

He said: “Hiccups are caused by erratic electrical impulses in the vagus nerve.

“Rectal massage stimulates the vagus nerve which is part of the parasympathetic nervous system.

“Increased stimulation of the vagus nerve helps to control the diaphragm and then terminates the hiccups.”

Dr. Youn posted many tips and tricks such as how to see in darkness and how to stop pain after an injection or vaccine.

He also shared how to prevent brain freeze from happening and how to stop itching after being bitten by mosquitoes.

Jam Press

Dr Youn revealed how you can stop hiccups becoming a nuisance

Doctor’s ‘body hacks’ go viral with tips to tackle brain freeze and itchy mozzie bites

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