Discover the Traitors Season 2 Winner and Shocking Results Now!

Title: Shocking Twist on The Traitors Finale Leaves Fans Stunned

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Unbelievable Win on The Traitors Finale

As Alan declared, “With wills of iron, strength of titanium, and nerves of steel, you’ve both emerged victorious with a grand prize of $104,050!”

Reflecting on the unexpected victory, a jubilant Trishelle shared her thoughts on the surreal experience of winning alongside her former The Challenge adversary.

“If someone had told me that not only would I reconcile with C.T. but also collaborate with him to clinch the victory, I would have dismissed it as impossible,” she remarked. “Yet, here we are. I couldn’t be happier.”

Catch up on the entire season of The Traitors

exclusively on Peacock. Stay tuned as we reveal the reality TV personalities who fell short of making it to the season two finale.