Discover the Game-Changing Beer Belly-Shaped Glass for Drinking Booze in Three Ways!

Unlock the Secret to the Perfect Pint with this Unique Beer Belly-Shaped Glass

Sapporo’s New Beer Glass Design Enhances Your Drinking Experience

Designers at Nendo have revolutionized the beer-drinking experience with the creation of a special beer belly-shaped glass for Japanese brewing giant Sapporo. This innovative vessel allows beer enthusiasts to savor their favorite beverage in three distinct ways, ensuring maximum enjoyment with every sip.

Enhancing Mouthfeels with a Curvy Twist

The Unique Shape of the Glass Maximizes Refreshment, Aroma, and Richness

Designers have invented a beer belly-shaped glass that features a one-of-a-kind design – with a straight back and front, but one side curves in while the other bulges out. This wonky vessel, created for Sapporo by designer Nendo, is set to make its way to British pubs and bars soon.

Optimizing Your Beer-Drinking Experience

A Versatile Glass for Every Beer Enthusiast

According to a spokesman for Sapporo, this unique glass is engineered to enhance the beer-drinking experience by allowing for three different ‘mouthfeels,’ amplifying the refreshment, aroma, and richness of the ale.

Crisp and Refreshing Finish

Start on the Straight Side for a Burst of Flavor

When you begin drinking from the straight side of the glass, the beer cascades down the middle of your tongue all the way to the back of your mouth, delivering a crisp and refreshing finish to each sip.

Indulge in the Rich Aroma

Experience the Rich Aroma and Bouquet on the Dipped Side

As you rotate the glass to the dipped side, the wide rim of the vessel fills your mouth with the mellow and rich aroma of the beer, providing a sensory delight that enhances your overall drinking experience.

Control Your Intake

Savor the Full Flavor Profile on the Bulbous Side

Drinking from the bulbous side of the glass causes the alcohol to hit the mid-tongue once again, stimulating your taste buds and intuition to control the amount consumed in each mouthful. This ensures that you fully appreciate the rich flavors of the beer.

Beer: The Surprising Gut-Friendly Beverage

Discover the Gut-Health Benefits of Beer

Beyond its delightful taste, recent studies have shown that enjoying beer in moderation can have various health benefits. Research indicates that beer can promote better gut health, leading to improved heart health, better blood circulation, and potential anti-aging properties.

A Boost for Gut Health

Beer Provides Essential Compounds for Good Digestion

International experts have identified beer as a rich source of compounds that support good gut health, subsequently benefiting heart health and immunity. In fact, the compounds found in beer have been shown to be more effective than probiotics when consumed moderately.

Embrace the Benefits of Beer

Raise a Glass to Your Well-Being

With its unique design and potential health benefits, the beer belly-shaped glass from Sapporo promises to elevate your beer-drinking experience to new heights. Whether you’re a seasoned beer enthusiast or just looking to unwind with a refreshing beverage, this innovative glass is a must-have addition to your barware collection. So, the next time you reach for a cold brew, do it in style with Sapporo’s cutting-edge beer vessel. Cheers to good health and great taste!