Discover Kate Hudson and Francia Raisa’s Favorite Snacks and More Star Secrets Revealed!

Satisfy Your Snack Cravings Like a Celebrity: What Stars Reach for When Hunger Strikes

Healthy and Delicious Snack Choices of Celebrities

You know what? Sometimes you really do deserve a little treat. Whether that means indulging in some chocolate or digging into a little something salty, cravings simply aren’t meant to be ignored. But there are those other times when you’re definitely hungry for something but just have no idea what’s going to satisfy and get you over that in-between-lunch-and-dinner hump.

Celebrity Snack Secrets Revealed

Well, not all heroes wear capes. Sometimes they wear, you know, jeans and a tee or whatever and happen to chat with celebrities about their favorite eats. You’re welcome. Because we asked our favorite stars to answer the real hard-hitting questions and divulge the snacks that they reach for when they’re looking to stave off the hanger.

Star-Approved Healthy Snacks

The result: A lot of fruit with Padma Lakshmi preferring her apples with peanut butter; tennis pro Naomi Osaka likes to serve up some berries, many handfuls of nuts with Lauren Conrad eating them raw; her Hills pal Whitney Port opts for unsalted options, and at least a few bags of Hot Cheetos (we see you, Francia Raisa!).