Discover if Ciara and West are a cosmic match in this exclusive astrology reading from the ‘Summer House’ astrologer!

Unlock the Secrets of Ciara and West’s Astrology Signs for a Happily Ever After on ‘Summer House’

Season 8 of Summer House is coming closer and closer to the end, and viewers have been particularly fond of watching the blossoming romance between newcomer West Wilson and Ciara Miller. While they are taking things easy on the show, it’s clear that West is craving to get to the next level of intimacy. Ciara, however, is operating on her own time, and Astrologer Alyssa Polinsky knows the reason why.

Unveiling the Celestial Blueprint of Ciara and West’s Relationship

Alyssa Polinsky, an astrologer and tarot card reader, who was featured in Season 8 of the Bravo series, provided insights into the personal natures and personal growth timing of several Summer House cast members. So, what do Ciara and West’s astrological signs say about their compatibility?

Decoding Ciara’s Cosmic Blueprint: Capricorn vs. Libra Rising

When delving into Ciara Miller’s birth chart, Alyssa revealed exclusively to Distractify, “She’s a double Capricorn and a Libra rising. You can tell she’s not going to give in. She’s never going to give in to anything that people want or do. And she is a double Capricorn, too, so she is just going to be business-motivated and driven. So the fact that we’re seeing so much of her modeling and her actually exploring her career is why I think we see her in a better light this season; she’s feeling like her actual natural self.”

Navigating Ciara’s High Standards: Libra Rising, Aesthetics, and Relationship Dynamics

Libra is another sign that lends itself to aesthetics, and Ciara’s rising sign is in Libra. “Libra rising is going to lead with aesthetic, you know? She’s gorgeous,” Alyssa said, adding, “Libras, they love, they love all the finer things in life. They cannot help themselves. She expects things at a certain level.”

A Cosmic Challenge: Can West Meet Ciara’s Sky-High Expectations for Love?

Ciara’s high expectations may be difficult to meet, according to her birth chart, and while Alyssa was unable to get a full chart for West, she had enough information to look into their relationship desires. Alyssa shared, “I don’t know [West’s] rising, but he’s just more chill and hang and like, ‘Let’s do things,’ you know?”

Love in the Stars: Finding the Balance Between Dreams and Reality

“I think she wants, you know, she wants more of the fairy tale. She has that sense to her… I think that’s what [is] hard for her and West.”

Watch Summer House Thursdays at 9 p.m. on Bravo, or stream Fridays on Peacock.