Data Shows: Kissing on Night One with ‘the Bachelor’ gives you 95% chance to get a rose

  • Kissing at night one “The Bachelor”This strategy is nearly foolproof to get you to the next day.
  • According to the book, “How to win The BachelorThere’s a 95% chance of someone getting a rose from you after a kiss.
  • Clayton Echard sex five women on camera in the premiere of season 26, and they all stayed.

The practice of kissing on the first date is normal. However, it can become a little more difficult if the guy is also seeing 29 other women.

On “The Bachelor,”The contestants must quickly get used to the idea of kissing on film. Some even make a move the first night. Is it really the best way to move?

Chad Kultgen & Lizzy Pace host the “Bachelor” podcast “Game of RosesIt is, according to the study.

According to their calculations kissing the lead would result in “The Bachelor”A 95% chance of getting a rose at the ending of the night on the first night means you have a 95% chance to make it to the second episode.

Clayton and Eliza were seen kissing during the premiere.

John Fleenor/ABC

The podcast hosts went on and on. “hyperbinge”There are 25 seasons “The Bachelor”To write their next book, “How to win The Bachelor: The secret to finding love and fame on America’s favorite reality show.”

“Ever since Kelly Jo Kuharski made history as the first Night One kisser in season four (Bob Guiney), it gives players a 95% likelihood of making it through to the next round,”They wrote. “Of the 20 Night One kissers featured in the edits, only one has been eliminated on Night One.”

Kultgen, Pace and Pace were not able to view the latest season, which features Clayton Echard. They couldn’t see if this streak would continue… but it did. Echard was shown kissing five women: Kira Mengistu, Eliza Isichei, Cassidy Timbrooks, Rachel Recchia, and Teddi Wright — and all five received roses. Wright was also presented with the First Impression Rose.

“How to Win The Bachelor”The release date is January 25,