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Danny Boyle to Direct Stage Musical Version Of ‘The Matrix’

Get ready for “The Matrix”The Musical. Danny Boyle will direct this stage musical that adapts the sci-fi film franchise to a stage. It will be performed at Factory International, Manchester, England.

“Free Your Mind”It is described as “a large-scale immersive performance based on ‘The Matrix’ films… [a] dramatic retelling through dance, music and visual effects… Using spectacular visual effects, a cast of professional dancers and hundreds of Manchester participants will recreate some of the film’s most iconic scenes, provoking visions of an alternative future.”

Boyle is reunited with Kenrick, an internationally acclaimed choreographer for hip-hop in the UK. “H2O”Sandy from Boy Blue Entertainment, who was part of the 2012 Olympic Opening Ceremony in London. Boy Blue composer, producer, and DJ Michael ‘Mikey J’Asante will also be joining the board along with Sabrina Mahfouz (poet and playwright), who will write, as well as Es Devlin (designer), who will build large-scale stage structures.

“Free Your Mind”The official opening production for Factory International, Manchester’s cultural space, will take place from October 18th, 2023 to November 5, 2023. It is scheduled to open in June 2023. Business Manchester reports.

“I’m delighted to be part of Factory International as a starting point for a kind of identity that this extraordinary new building is going to have. It’s a space that gives you an enormous amount of potential. It’s wildly ambitious in terms of its scale. In my lifetime, to see a new space like this open is hugely empowering, and I hope the new generation of artists feel that power,”Boyle stated.

Devlin praised the team from the Manchester International Festival (MIF), who is heading Factory International’s programming, for their previous “innovative and urgent works” by Steve McQueen, Björk, Akram Khan, and Yoko Ono. “It’s a profound privilege to be invited to take part in its inception. Like a new musical instrument, a new building needs to be ‘tuned in,’ and it’s immensely energizing to be present when it starts to sing,”He stated.

Boyle’s films include Oscar Best Picture Winner “Slumdog Millionaire,”Recently brought “Pistol,”A series of limited episodes about the legendary punk band The Sex Pistols. It was broadcast on FX earlier in the year.