Danielle Fishel, Ben Savage and ‘Boy Meets World Stars’ went on a Date

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  • Ben Savage and Danielle Fishel met for one date to see if there was any attraction.
  • They didn’t but they remained close friends. Savage later joined Fishel for a school dance.
  • Fishel stated that she and Denny’s went to Denny’s following the dance, but forgot her money. She forgot her purse “collateral.”

Ben Savage and Danielle Fishel grew up together as the two halves of an iconic television couple on ABC’s hit show. “Boy Meets World”From 1993 to 2000. Fishel stated that the couple never had a relationship in real life. However, they did try it.

According to PeopleFishel, who was speaking at ’90s Con held in Hartford Connecticut on Saturday, revealed that she had been on a single date with Savage during their series. The actress said that they soon realized their on-screen romance didn’t work.

“There was literally I think one moment where Ben and I looked at each other after we had been working together for like two years and were like, ‘Are there feelings there?'”She said. “And then we went out to dinner, and we were like, ‘No!'”

Fishel, now aged 40, is currently Jensen Karp was marriedWith whom she has two children. Savage has kept his personal life private and it is not known if he is currently with a girlfriend.

Savage and Fishel “Girl Meets World.”

Disney Channel/Gilles Mingasson

Fishel remained close friends with Savage, despite the lack of romantic chemistry. Fishel asked Savage to accompany her on what she called the “The” date. “very misogynistic”Event at her school called The “vice-versa dance,”The girls were to ask the guys out.

Per HeadFishel claimed that Savage and Fishel went out to the dance with friends. The night ended at Denny’s. Savage realized that Fishel had no money and that he forgot his wallet when the waiter brought the bill. 

“They brought us the bill, and we were like, ‘Oh, we don’t have any money!'” Fishel recalled. “I had to keep my purse there as collateral, and we drove to my parents’ house, got money, and then drove back to Denny’s and were like, ‘Thank you so much.'”

Disney’s sequel series featured Fishel, Savage reprising their roles. “Girl Meets World.”The series, which ran from 2014 through 2017, focused on Riley Matthews, Cory and Topanga’s preteen daughter.