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Couple Details Tense Moment Dog Found Escaped Fugitive Michael Burham

Michael Burham has been returned to prison after nine days of running from Warren County Jail.

Cindy Ecklund contacted authorities when she spotted Burham hiding in the forest behind her home.

You can also find out more about the following: Pennsylvania couple tells that the credit for finding Burham all goes to Tucker — their chocolate lab.

All of this happened Saturday, when Tucker and the Ecklunds spent some time outdoors on their land which borders the 800-square-mile Allegheny Forest.

Tucker immediately started to bark and ran off.

Ron explains, “He would not come back.” He usually comes back when I phone, so Cindy jumped in the golf cart. 

They soon learned the reason for Tucker’s disappearance. You can also find out more about dog As he ran into the trees, he began to bark. A man stood by the creek.

Ron said, “I knew he was there.” “I thought he looked a little startled and asked: ‘What are you doing inside?’

Burham claimed to be “camping” but Ron says: “Well… he did not have camping gear.” He wasn’t “camping.”

Ron says that the couple immediately started driving home and instructed his wife, who called 911.

The authorities were on scene quickly to bring Burham into custody. For their efforts, the Ecklunds are receiving a reward of $22,000.

The money will be used to buy new tennis balls for Tucker.

Cindy declares, “We are very proud of our hero.” He’s been good but now we took it up a level.

Pennsylvania State Police apprehended Burham with no incident. According to Lieutenant Colonel George Bivens (the deputy commissioner for operations), the murder suspect wore his prison uniform and appeared “tired” and “worn out”.

After he was accused of murdering his former girlfriend, Kayla HODGKIN, a man has been charged with kidnapping.

When authorities tried to arrest Burham for the alleged offense, they left an aftermath of destruction. It is a crime to murder anyone. Back in May

The day after Burham allegedly killed Hodgkin’s wife, the police claim he then went to a woman’s home, where surveillance shows him burning a car when he couldn’t get in.

After a warrant for Burham’s arrest was issued in May, Burham is accused of kidnapping an elderly couple to drive their vehicle 800 miles from Charleston. South Carolina.

After dropping the pair off in a nearby cemetery, he took off but abandoned the vehicle quickly. After spotting him ride a bike, an officer chased him down on foot.

The police located him and arrested him on the next day.

A thorough investigation is underway to determine how the man escaped from Warren County Jail.