Channing Tatum’s Improvised “Lost City” Lines Were Edited

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  • Channing Tatum has improvised lines to a “Lost City”scene. Sandra Bullock, his costar, loved it.
  • “None of his lines were used because I was laughing so hard,”Bullock spoke to Insider
  • According to the actress the lines were cut later because of her laughter.

Sandra Bullock shared with Insider her revelations that Channing Tatum ad-libbed lines in one scene. “The Lost City”This caused her to have so many laughs that she couldn’t use the takes in the final cut. 

“There’s a scene where they have to get me to a car. He and that other actor — I can never remember his name, he’s got blond hair,”Bullock laughed about the Tatum-Brad Pitt scene. 

Tatum and Pitt, who play Alan and Jack respectively, arrive at the tropical home of an eccentric billionaire (played in the film by Daniel Radcliffe). They are there to rescue Bullock’s character Loretta, a romance writer who has been kidnapped. The two transport Loretta, still in a chair, through jungle to a waiting getaway vehicle. They are then chased by the billionaire’s evil goons. 

“The directors had Channing ad-lib lines to us, and none of his lines were used because I was laughing so hard,”Bullock spoke to Insider during the SXSW red carpet premiere “The Lost City”Austin, Texas, Saturday, March 12. 

“He’s crazy funny,”Tatum’s adlibbed lines were not her fault, Tatum said the actress. “stupid,”They still made her laugh.

Bullock claims that Tatum’s funny lines are a common feature of filmmakers (which Bullock also mentioned: “When the shepherd goes to pie, you eat it”) in outtakes. 

Sandra Bullock, Channing Tatum “The Lost City.”


Bullock also joked about cleaning Keanu Reeves’ home on the red-carpet “once a week,”Insider asked her about her friendship to her “Speed” costar.

“I clean his house every Thursday. It’s sort of a thing that we had. I lost a bet when we did ‘Speed,’ and I said, ‘Well, if it’s not true, I’ll clean your house,'”The “Blind Side” actress quipped. “I think I’ve done a pretty good job. I mean, I stay out of certain rooms, but I respect it.” 

“Other than cleaning his house on Thursdays, I see him maybe once or twice a year,”Bullock spoke to Insider 

“The Lost City”April 25, 2009 in theatres Watch the trailer below.