Channel 4 and Channel 5 both go off air during Strictly after ‘technical issues’

Viewers were left confused when both Channel 4 and 5 went off air at the same time.

It has been blamed on technical difficulties, and happened while Strictly Come Dancing was on BBC 1.

Channel 4 announced on their official Twitter account: “Channel 4 and More 4 are currently off air due to a technical problem. We are working to restore them as quickly as possible.”

Channel 5 also went off air.

The channel was airing a film, ‘Two Mules for Sister Sara’ when it went off air.

Channel 4 was scheduled to show ‘Bettany Hughes’ Treasures of the World’.

Fans were confused by the holding screen

A temporary screen that featured the end of the previous Formula One coverage was up instead.

Viewers all tweeted asking what had happened to the channels.

The outage happened after 6.30pm on Saturday.

One tweeted asking: “Is it just me, or is Channel 4, E4 and Film 4 not working on Freeview right now? I’ve got a frozen image on each channel!”

Strictly Come Dancing was on BBC 1 at the time

A viewer added: “Is there something wrong with Film4 and 4Music on Freeview in Kent? Film4 seems stuck on titles of a film and 4Music is just a load of squiggles.”

Another confused fan wrote: “Is it just me or has @Film4 hung on the last movie credits for the last 30 minutes?”

What with the current shortages across the UK, one fan added: “I see there’s now a shortage of @Channel4 and @channel5_tv drivers…”

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