Bravo puts New York’s Million-Dollar Listing on Hold

Fans may be saying these things “goodbye”To their top Big Apple realtors.

More than a year ago Million Dollar Listing New YorkBravo’s ninth season has ended, as a source confirmed to E! The show’s ninth season was completed on Bravo, according to a source. Though Bravo did not comment on the news—nor confirm if the show is officially canceled—it seems possible the reality series might have reached its end. Variety

Reporter was the first to report.

The second location in Bravo’s Million Dollar Listing franchise—which includes the original Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles

And the short-lived Million Dollar Listing San Francisco—the New York spin-off premiered in 2012And follows NYC’s top realtors as they sell the city’s most impressive (and expensive) properties.

The season nine cast featured original stars Fredrik Eklund and Ryan SerhantTogether with Steve Gold, Tyler Whitman, the first female broker on the show. Kirsten Jordan


Following the most recent season, Eklund—who also appeared on Million Dollar Listing LA—announced his departure from the reality franchise This year, earlier.