Brad Pitt ‘hit one his kids in their faces and choked the other during a bust up with Angelina Jolie while on private aircraft’

Brad Pitt, the FILM star is accused of having hit one of his kids and choked another in a fight with Angelina Jolie while on a private plane.

The former couple, once one of Hollywood’s highest profile pairings, have been embroiled in a lengthy dispute over their marriage, custody of their six children and shared assets, including a French winery.


According to court papers Brad Pitt allegedly choked one of his children and hit one in the face during an argument with Angelina Jolie while flying on a private aircraft.
Credit: Getty


The couple is pictured during “God Grew Tired of Us”Los Angeles Premiere were once among Hollywood’s most famous pairingsCredit: Getty

Pitt’s allegations have been made in relation to a dispute about the winery.

Jolie filed court papers in the US stating that they ran to help the couple after they had rowed.

The documents state: “Pitt choked one of the children and struck another in the face. Others begged Pitt to stop.

“They were all frightened. Many were crying.”

The fight is only one stage. “he poured beer on Jolie; at another, he poured beer and red wine on the children”The filing allegations

Jolie alleges that the confrontation began in the plane’s bathroom when Pitt said Jolie was “too deferential”to the children.

“Pitt grabbed Jolie by the head and shook her, and then grabbed her shoulders and shook her again before pushing her into the bathroom wall,”The suit says.

“When one of the children verbally defended Jolie, Pitt lunged at his own child and Jolie grabbed him from behind to stop him,”It adds.

The suit then alleges that “The children rushed in and all bravely tried to protect each other.

Pitt choked and punched one of the children before the fight was over.

Some of the children begged Pitt not to. They were all scared. Many were crying.”

Pitt’s representative refuted the allegations, and called them ridiculous “another rehash that only harms the family”.