Boost Your Home’s Energy Efficiency and Appearance with These Must-Do Spring Cleaning Tasks

10 Energy Saving Spring Cleaning Tips to Slash Your Bills

Spring cleaning isn’t just about dusting and decluttering – the right tactics can also save you money going into the summer months. When done effectively, it can cut down your energy bills and make your home look better.

Clean Windows

“Your windows play an important role in regulating indoor temperature,” recommended Payless Power CEO Brandon Young. Dirt, grime, and mineral deposits can accumulate on the glass over time, preventing sunlight from filtering in. Young suggested thoroughly cleaning the inside and outside of your windows to allow natural light to enter your home and reduce the need for artificial lighting during the day – ultimately saving you money.

Unclog Air Vents

Next, Young emphasized the importance of unclogging your air vents. Clogged air vents can obstruct airflow, forcing your HVAC system to work harder and consume more energy. By vacuuming the dust and debris in and around your air vents, you can improve your home’s air quality, enhance system efficiency, and lower your cost of living.

Vacuum Refrigerator Coils

Young highlighted the refrigerator as one of the biggest energy consumers in your home. He recommended vacuuming the coils at the back or bottom of your refrigerator to improve operating efficiency and reduce energy consumption.

Energy-Efficient Bulbs

Swap out old-fashioned incandescent bulbs for energy-efficient LED alternatives, advised Young. LED bulbs not only consume less energy but also produce less heat, helping to keep your home cooler during the summer months.

Standby Stop

Take accountability for devices that draw power even when they’re not in use. Unplug unnecessary appliances and consider investing in smart power strips to completely cut off the power supply when devices are not in use – leading to substantial savings down the line.

Seal Leaks

Inspect windows, doors, and any openings for air leaks, advised Young. Sealing these gaps using weatherstripping or caulking can prevent cool air from escaping your home in the summer and driving up your bills.

Cold Clean

Ensure proper airflow by replacing or cleaning air filters in your air conditioners. Additionally, gently clean the condenser coils and remove any debris around the outdoor unit to help your air conditioner operate more efficiently during the summer months.

Alternative Methods

Don’t forget to use ceiling fans as a long-term and cost-effective method to cool your space. During the summer months, set your ceiling fans to rotate counterclockwise to create a cooling breeze and circulate cool air around, making your home feel several degrees cooler and allowing you to save on energy costs.