Black woman takes a photo of Airbnb near a cottonfield and shares it with TikTok.

TikTok reported that a Black woman went to an Airbnb with a cottonfield – sparking fierce online debate.

Aliyah Bell, who goes under the name Aliyah, appears in a video. @thechocolateweebThe platform showed the cotton field in issue.

“Y’all why did my cousin book this Airbnb in Alabama with a cotton field in the yard?”The text onscreen stated that Bell looked astonished.

In the video’s caption, she noted that her cousin was unaware that the rental had a cotton field in the backyard.

The video has now been seen more than 19,000,000 times.

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In Another Bell, in video, gave a tour through the property in Hunstville (Alabama). Bell shared that she was there to celebrate Thanksgiving with her families.

“It’s pretty decent inside… the theme was nice,” Bell said before adding that she’s from California and isn’t “used to seeing”The cotton or cotton field.

“Being put in an area like that unexpectedly as a Black person does trigger you a little bit and makes you feel uncomfortable,”She continued.

She noted that she felt the “urge” to pick the cotton isn’t “weird”An indication that you are interested in “go back to slavery.”

“It’s an odd feeling that you feel so close to history.”

Bell received many comments from people who were “uncomfortable”By the scene

“The fact that ppl don’t see why this is uncomfortable,”Someone wrote.

“It’s gatta be very much haunted with curses and bad energy. I’m concerned,”Another added.

Others thought it wasn’t that “deep”And that cotton is just “a crop.”

“If you seek racism, you will find it. It’s a crop and you’re trying to get people banned from Airbnb for something that isn’t even on there,”The third was the author.

Someone else wrote. “If y’all are really that pressed about a plant that’s used to make your clothes, you need help.”

Bell was inspired by this comment to make another follow-up Video dubbed using the “You really thought you ate”audio by THE INFINITY COLT

Indy100 Bell and Airbnb were contacted for comments