Black Manta Kills Aquababy In Comics

Black Manta Kills Aquababy? HITC dives into the depths of one of DC Comics’ most heartbreaking storylines as fans fear for Arthur Curry’s son.

The Aquaman And The Lost Kingdom trailer teases that Jason Momoa‘s titular hero is now four years on from the events of Aquaman, now married with a son. James Wan’s film also pits King Atlantis and Black Manta against each other, as Arthur’s hatred is not a secret among DCEU fans. It’s worth contemplating how faithful this forthcoming blockbuster will be when noting that Black Manta Kills Aquababy in DC Comics.

Black Manta kills Aquababy (DC Comics)

This saga is known as Death Of A Prince. It began with Adventure Comics # 435, October 1974.

In this popular storyline and odyssey for Arthur, readers follow the kidnapping of Arthur and Mera’s son Arthur Jr., aka Aquababy, at the hands of Black Manta.

Aquaman kills Aquababy while Black Manta suffocates him with oxygen. Horrified by the loss of his and his wife’s child, he swears to seek revenge against Black Manta at any cost.

He recruits a mercenary called Cal Durham to help him in his quest. However, when he is faced with the decision of whether or not to murder the man that took his son, he decides not too.

The storyline continues when Aquaman’s failure to avenge his son transitions into a fight against Kobra alongside Green Lantern and Batman.

On the other hand, Arthur hasn’t heard the last of his heartbreak when he confronts Mera again and she blames him for Arthur Jr.’s death. Nevertheless, she puts aside her animosity to help him fight the Ocean Master and through this she’s able to accept her love for her husband, bringing the saga to a close.

‘Protect Aquababy at all costs’

Aquababy, the first character in the Aquaman And The Lost Kingdom Trailer that was shown to those familiar with DC Comics’ storyline, caused panic amongst fans.

Of course, it’s possible that screenwriter David Leslie Johnson-McGoldrick has decided not to kill off Arthur Jr. in his script, lending the film a lighter tone that would buckle under the weight of such a disturbing death.

The fans are nervous and on edge on Twitter about both Aquababy, and Black Manta being in the movie:

‘You really do see the growth’

Whatever happens to Aquababy in Aquaman And The Lost Kingdom, it’s clear that the film will see Arthur grow tremendously.

“What I like between this one and the first one is, you really do see the growth of Arthur,” director James Wan The following are some of the ways to get in touch with each other In an interview conducted by Entertainment Weekly.

“He starts off as this kind of wanderer, and in the second one he finally has more of a direction of what he wants to do with his life. If and when there is a third one, that’s what it should be; it should be growing these characters because I think we’ve set up certain things in a good place in the second movie that you can definitely draw upon in a third.”

He added: “I don’t have any stories, but growing the characters is the biggest thing that I think the next Aquaman movie should be about.”

Aquaman And The Lost Kingdom will be released in cinemas on December 20, 2023.

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