Bigil or Whistle which features one of the Superstars of the Tamil film industry, Vijay was released on the occasion of Diwali. The film is the third collaboration between both Atlee and Vijay. Ever since the announcement of the film was made, the film has been making an incredible amount of hype in both Tamil Nadu and Kerala.
Tamilrockers did manage to leak the film a few hours after its release and leaked it across the internet. This is indeed a piece of extremely sad news for the people behind the film Bigil. Moreover, the leak is deemed as a sheer disrespect for the superstar Vijay.
In Kerala and Tamil Nadu, the film has a special show before being released for the masses across the country. Given that the film failed to impress the critics, it did manage to entice the audience due to the characterization of the characters that Vijay plays through the film. The film is being trolled in the form of memes across the internet where at the same time it is trending across the internet with a positive note.
Bigil is up for download at Tamilrockers
Bigil features Nayantara in lead role and as mentioned earlier, the critics have given their verdict that Bigil is a completely average film. Maybe, the collaboration between Atlee and Vijay created a lot of expectations in the audience and in the end it did not live up to their expectations.
The leaking of the film will leave the film’s box-office collection a little affected. However, Vijay’s stardom will help the film swim afloat in this perilous time.