Big Brother 24 will have a Premiere and an Eviction Night Twist

23 seasons later, Big Brother Fans have every reason to believe that they have seen it all. The Big Brother 24 premiere on Wednesday will prove them wrong. Host Julie Chen Moonves teased several premiere twists, including an eviction show on opening night. 16 new houseguests are part of the cast.

The problems are “next level”This season, Chen Moonves told Entertainment Tonight

Tuesday. “You’re gonna see that on premiere night. It’s a 90-minute premiere and as soon as people get out of the house, they’re going to play new challenges we’ve never had before,”She stated. CBS will broadcast the premiere after it airs. “crazy”Chen Moonves teased that the first live eviction show will depart from the traditions fans are used to, and Chen Moonves confirmed it.

“Oh and at the end of the premiere episode, I’m going to make them an offer that they cannot refuse,”The long-time host suggested. “So it’s like you go in and it’s hitting you from all angles. It’s a whole new game!”

A new twist will also appear during the premiere episodes. Reports say that viewers at home will have a chance to vote on how this plays out. Entertainment Weekly. Due to COVID safety precautions, the live eviction studio episodes won’t have an audience. Chen Moonves promised that the first houseguest will not be as expected.

“It could almost be anyone,”She told EW. “We have new levels of gameplay and twists that the game is certainly not what you think it is this season more than any other. It’s our 24th season. We have to really switch it up.”

Chen Moonves surprises everyone by dropping a surprise on the episode of eviction. “Expect the unexpected! We have to hand it to [the players],”She spoke. “These people come in. They’re experts. They’ve watched since they were like eight years old. They know the game. We have to do something to keep them on their toes.”

Season 24 will feature other themed episodes about festivals like Music Fest, Renaissance Fest and Comedy Fest. Chen Moonves loves the “Zing Fest,”This could be a huge episode for Zingbot 3000. The host described the aesthetics of the house as “Palm Springs, mid-century, BB Motel.”

Audiences will be able to see the twists and turns that lead to these surprises. Big Brother 24Premieres on CBS Wednesday, July 6, at 8 p.m. ET. You can also stream episodes on the internet Paramount+