Benedict Cumberbatch, ‘SNL’ Cast Members, Win Butler Support Roe v Wade

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito’s leaked draft opinion that threatens to overturn Roe v. Wade loomed large over Saturday Night Live, from the cold open to the Weekend Update to the curtain call. As they walked out to take a bow, the episode’s host, Benedict Cumberbatch, and several Saturday Night Live

cast members wore white T-shirts with 1973 on them, which is the year the Supreme Court’s landmark decision was made. Garments with 1973 emblazoned on them have been used to show support for Roe v. Wade.

Just minutes earlier, the episode’s musical guest, Arcade Fire, ended their second performance with lead singer Win Butler, whose guitar also had a 1973 sticker on it, proclaiming, “Women’s right to choose forever and ever and ever, amen.” You can watch it below.