Ben Affleck Reacts to Michael Bay’s Demands for Him to ‘Be Sexy’ in ‘Armageddon.

  • Matt Damon asked Affleck to tell Entertainment Weekly about how he became such a heartthrob. “Armageddon.”
  • “They made me fix my teeth and work out and be sexy. Be sexy, how do I do that?”He stated.
  • Affleck stated that his children are his. “relentlessly mock”The movie.

One year after his first Oscar win as co-screenwriter “Good Will Hunting”Ben Affleck and Matt Damon were his childhood friends. “Armageddon”Bruce Willis is the star opposite Bruce Willis. In this movie, they lead a group deep-core drillers to space to destroy an asteroid. 

Damon and I had a chat recently about Entertainment WeeklyAffleck had acted in only independent films up until that point. He recalled his experiences as the movie’s sexy stud.

“They made me fix my teeth and work out and be sexy. Be sexy, how do I do that?”Damon heard Affleck say this.


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“‘Go to the gym!’ Running in the gym and putting oil on my body and stuff,”He went on. “It just turned out to be a long-form version of one of those male topless calendars, in a garage, carrying a tire, kind of greased up.”

Bay had been recalled by Affleck “a vision of a glistening male torso in the oil, and he was like, ‘That’s going to go in the trailer and sell tickets!'”

Affleck — whose current movie “The Tender Bar,” is available on Amazon — also revealed that the Bay movie is the one he gets teased the most about from his kids.

“It’s funny because that’s the one movie of mine that my kids have watched and they’ll kind of all admit to liking, even though they relentlessly mock it and me,”Damon heard it. “‘What are you, driving a tank on the moon?’ But they had fun.”