Bassam Tariq, Director of “Blade”, Exits Marvel’s Vampire Movie Before Production Starts

Development on Marvel’s reboot of the “Blade”Movies hit a roadblock as Bassam Taciq, who was the film’s director, has decided to step down just weeks before it was scheduled to go into production.

“Due to continued shifts in our production schedule, Bassam is no longer moving forward as director of Blade but will remain an executive producer on the film. We appreciate Bassam’s talent and all the work he’s done getting Blade

to where it is,”Marvel Studios released a statement.

Aside from that explanation, no further details were provided about Bassam’s exit.

“Blade”The film’s release date is set for Nov. 23, 2023. Marvel must find a new director before production can begin in November. Bassam joined in summer 2021. Stacy Osei–Kuffour was the playwright who wrote the script. “Blade”This reboots the character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Mahershala Ali, an Oscar winner, will star. She replaces Wesley Snipes who played the part of the vampire hunter half-human in the original “Blade”Trilogy was established in 1998. “Blade,”Then, follow by “Blade II”In 2002, “Blade: Trinity”2004

Those films departed from the comics by making Blade half-vampire (he’s just a normal human who happens to be immune to vampirism in the comics), a depiction that has stuck with popular culture and is assumed will be kept for the reboot.

It was made for a modest $45million “Blade”The film was a huge success, earning $131 million. The sequel directed by Guillermo del Toro was even more successful, making $155 million off a $54 million budget. Together, the films are credited with helping to revive super hero films in the wake of 1997’s “Batman and Robin,” proving that the earlier movie’s poor reception didn’t mean the genre was dead. They may have paved the way to the “Dark Knight”Trilogy and then the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Blade was created in 1973 by Marv Wolfman and Gene Colan. He later starred in his own story.

THR reported the news first.

Umberto Gonzalez contributed this report.