Baggage Handler’s Top Tip: Don’t Check Your Bag Without This Essential Item or Risk Damage

The Ultimate Guide to Baggage Safety: Insider Tips from a Handler

A Bottom Handle
Zack, a seasoned baggage handler at major US airports, shares the most crucial advice for travelers. According to him, the “number one thing” a bag should have is a handle on the bottom, between the wheels. This makes it easier for handlers to lift and place the bag without straining their backs.

Pack up and Zip Up
To prevent damage, it’s essential to stack your suitcase properly. Zack advises against storing liquids in outside pockets as they may leak due to the stacking of baggage. Additionally, always securely zip up your bag to avoid items falling out during handling.

Avoid ‘Wet Noodles’
While lightweight luggage may seem convenient, Zack suggests opting for a well-structured bag that can withstand handling. Lightweight bags lack structure and can easily get damaged in transit. Invest in a durable bag that can last for multiple trips.

Four-Wheel Deal
Zack recommends using four-wheel luggage for better handling. Two-wheel alternatives are often handled roughly and may result in damage to your belongings. Four-wheel luggage is easier to maneuver and ensures a smoother transit process for your bag.

Hand Luggage Rules

Ensure compliance with hand luggage restrictions to avoid any issues during security checks. Be mindful of weight restrictions and the number of bags allowed by different airlines. Pack liquids properly in transparent, resealable bags to prevent spillage.

Louis Vuitton – Look Away Now
Expensive luggage does not guarantee special treatment during handling. Zack emphasizes that bags are designed to protect contents, not themselves. Accept that wear and tear are part of a bag’s lifespan, regardless of its price tag.

Wrap Up Your Strollers
Car seats and strollers often arrive in poor condition due to mishandling. To safeguard these items, wrap them securely before sending them for transit. This ensures that they are handled with care and remain intact upon arrival.

Forget the Tags
Avoid using zippers and luggage tags that can be considered debris. Opt for clear plastic sleeves for tags, as they are easier to clean up. This minimizes the risk of foreign objects causing damage or delays during baggage handling.

By following these expert tips, you can significantly improve the safety and condition of your luggage during travel. Prioritize functionality and durability when selecting baggage to ensure a hassle-free journey.