At a New York Fleamarket, a woman discovers a 75-year-old note sent from Berlin during the Holocaust.

Chelsey loves thrift shopping. It is her passion to search for historical treasures and return them to the family.

Recently, she discovered and returned a long-lost precious heirloom:  a 75-year-old letter sent from Berlin, Germany, during the Holocaust.

This letter was written by Ilse Loewenberg on July 18, 1945. She had fought for her life. Ilse leapt from a moving train heading to Auschwitz, and fled to Berlin for nine more months. She was captured and taken to prison.

She was the only member of her family to die, except for Carla, her sister. Ilse wrote the letter.

She said that it was in it. “Through the kindness of our liberators, I am able to give you a sign of life from me after so many years…No one is alive anymore. My pain is unspeakably big. My husband, whom I married 3.5 years ago, was also taken from me! … When there will be a regular mail connection, I will tell you everything in detail.” 

Chelsey discovered the letter and used MyHeritage for Carla’s family search. She returned the letter to Jill, a relative.

Turns out, the sisters moved to New York together after the war. They remained close for decades.

Jill was overwhelmed by Chelsey’s kindness after she received her letter. 

“My whole family is truly in awe of all you have done for us,”She spoke. “Almost everyone’s first reaction of ‘Is this a scam?’ quickly transformed into bewilderment at your selfless dedication to reuniting heirlooms with families.”

“We all loved our Great-Aunt Ilse and are thrilled beyond words to read her thoughts in her own handwriting after she emerged from the depths of the European inferno. May God bless your noble work, and may you receive many blessings in return for all you do for families like mine.”

Ilse died September 11, 2001. Although her death was not related to the terrorist attacks, close friends believe that it was because she was unable to handle more tragedy.

This letter is her legacy, which is now in the family’s possession.