As a driving instructor, I believe that every motorist should do one thing before they start the engine.

An instructor in driving has shared a simple step that you can do to improve your chances of passing the road test.

The pre-licensing teacher’s TikTok instructed viewers to adjust their rearview mirror before every trip to get a full view of their environment.


After you adjust your rearview reflector, your windshield should now be visible through.Credit: TikTok/zutobi_us

Zutobi’s (@zutobi_usTikTok Clip shows overlay text: “Make adjustments from your driving position.

“You should be able to see everything behind you through the rear windshield.”

Professional driving instructor Raymond Mentor at Revolution Driving School in New York City told The Central Recorder: “I always advise students to make it a point to adjust their mirrors before driving off.

“Otherwise, they will accumulate points for poor observation.”

But simply adjusting your rearview mirror isn’t enough to show driving instructors that you’re worth your salt on the road.

Periodically checking your rearview mirror while driving shows the teacher that you’re remaining in tune with your surroundings.

Another YouTube channel that focuses on do-it yourself (DIY), suggested you overexaggerate mirror inspections to make it more appealing to instructors.

Helpful DIY’s According to spokesperson, Video: “People can definitely see in their mirror by just moving their eyes, but you need the driving examiner to know.

“It’s like you need proof that you’re doing the right things.”

It is important to adjust and check your side mirrors when driving.

Zutobi also helped drivers realize how important it is to buckle up before starting their engine during a road test in a separate TikTok.

The agency aimed at enhancing driver’s education said that pupils who fail to buckle their seatbelts before starting their car would automatically have their exam ended.

Zutobi added that if you don’t put on your seatbelt in time: “you won’t even get a chance to leave the DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) parking lot.”


Don’t forget to continually check your mirrors while driving during a road test to show your pre-licensing instructor that you’re staying in touch with your surroundingsCredit: Getty