Categories: Technology

Anyone can spy your cell phone’s data through public wifi – here’s how to stop it

YOU may be in the habit of using free WiFi when at a local coffee shop, but experts warn that your phone can be hacked through public WiFi connections.

The very same factors that make public WiFi so easily accessible also open it up to the most risk to phones and other devices.

“The encryption standard that protects all modern WiFi networks is not secured enough and sensitive information can easily be accessed using this WiFi network,” Katherine Brown, founder and marketing director at Spyicm, told SheFinds


“Today’s WiFi standards are flawed and should not be trusted,” Katherine added.

Because there are so many avenues for hackers to take advantage of WiFi, it’s important for consumers to be vigilant of multiple security shortcomings to keep their personal information safe.

One scheme operates by making replicas of popular websites, and presenting that page when someone tries to log on to the legitimate site on public WiFi.

These “man-in-the-middle” attacks typically replicate popular websites like PayPal or major retailers that capture payment information.

A real, secure website will have the code HTTPS at the beginning of the URL.

If the “S,” which stands for “secure,” is missing from the URL, wait until you’re home to access the website, and make sure that you only log on through the real URL.

Hackers may also set up a fake access point, with a name specifically designed to trick you and steal information.

Double-check the name of the WiFi channel at the public space you’re using, and cross-check it with the available networks on your phone.

Don’t accidentally connect to an impostor network that’s off by a single letter or a special character.

Unencrypted networks also open the door to a practice called “packet sniffing,” which allows hackers to acquire information that they analyze later.

Cybercriminals can harvest massive amounts of data at once, and refer back to it later to find passwords and sensitive materials.

Similarly, sidejacking uses a packet sniffing method, then lets hackers use the information they’ve stolen in real-time.

To prevent both of these attacks, using a VPN with added encryption, and being sure to log out of public hotspots after use, are solid strategies.

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