Angelina Jolie Scarily Thin Amid Reports Of Wild Behavior? Here’s What Some Are Saying

Angelina Jolie is a role model, mother of six, philanthropist, and internationally renowned movie star. She’s also a sex symbol who’s dabbled in modeling, and her appearance faces more scrutiny than most of her fellow celebrities. Figures get thrown around constantly, so it can be hard to know what’s going on.

Every month or so, another outlet claims Jolie’s too thin for her own. Stories are piling up about mysterious hospital visits, hunger strikes, and wild behavior. If you trusted these stories, then you’d think Jolie had starved to death many times over. Here’s what the tabloids are saying about Jolie and her weight in 2021.

Looking Scary Skinny

The National Enquirer believes Jolie has filled her friends with dread. She was spotted leaving a hospital and is “being coy about the exact reason for her visit,” an insider says. This means her condition is open for speculation, and since she’s “so obviously underweight” as one source puts it, she could be going to the hospital over it.

If you’d like to learn more about the Enquirer‘s history with Jolie stories or hear about Jolie’s health, read our investigation here.

Kids Begging Her To Gain Weight?

Who would have thought tabloids could talk to Jolie’s children? According to Star, Jolie’s children are very worried about their mother’s weight. The Hackers star is reportedly cutting back on her meals due to the stress of her custody battle. She and Brad Pitt are in the midst of a protracted divorce, and it’s taking its toll. One source says, “The kids have been pushing her to eat.”

Does this tabloid really know the take-out schedule in the Jolie household? Is Jolie cracking from the divorce? For more details, take a look at our report here.

Angelina Jolie Starving Herself?

The Globe was next to study Jolie’s body. It claimed Jolie had “shriveled to a skeletal 90 pounds” in a misguided attempt to hurt Pitt’s feelings. An insider explained, “He knows that even though they’ve long since separated, he always hated it when she didn’t eat. He always encouraged her to take better care of herself.” By depriving herself of food, Jolie would be hurting Pitt’s psyche, giving her the upper hand in the divorce.

This sounds beyond wild. Did it really happen? Well, click here to find out.

Worryingly Wild Behavior?

In a related story, OK! is keeping track of every man Jolie has seen this summer. “She’s hitting the dating scene with a vengeance,” one source said. Even Shiloh Jolie-Pitt was concerned, an insider said. “Shiloh is very sensitive and fears her mom is partying too hard. It’s starting to feel like Angie is the teenager and Shiloh is the parent, and it’s troubling for her,” the tipster added.

Are men like Jonny Lee Miller and The Weeknd causing trouble in Jolie’s home? There’s only one way to find out, and that’s by clicking this handy dandy link. Stories about Jolie arrive every week, so stay tuned to Gossip Cop for the latest.