An ex-news anchor makes TikTok viral by reporting on her son’s tantrum hilariously

A former TV journalist who’s now a busy mom is going viral for hilariously blending her past and present lives together on TikTok.

Kayla Sullivan uploaded the video following a tantrum by her 2-year-old son Allan at a local restaurant. 

“Reporting live from outside my son’s bedroom where he is currently being detained until naptime is over,”Sullivan said it, speaking into a toy mic. “What I can confirm is my son is a 2-year-old terrorist who held me hostage at the Olive Garden earlier today.”

Sullivan was a reporter and anchor in the past, but now works as a PR professional. 

“This is an active investigation, but authorities believe the proper precautions were taken. I brought my son’s favorite snack and even risked judgment from other moms by bringing an iPad,” Sullivan continued.

So what was the little boy’s massive meltdown all about? 

“After several cries, demanding quote ‘chetchup, chetchup!’ a good Samaritan waitress miraculously understood it as the English word ‘ketchup’ and brought him a bottle. Unfortunately, her good deed was later punished after he threw a ketchup-covered fork at her,”Sullivan stated.

This video has been viewed over 15 million times on social media. 

“Amazing! Thanks for the laugh!”Carrie Underwood, country music star, wrote.

Inside Edition spoke to the mother and her son.

“He’s not really a 2-year-old terrorist. He’s actually a big sweetheart, but he is a toddler so sometimes he does throw tantrums in public,”Sullivan stated.