An Ariana Grande Throwback at Epcot Goes Viral Following TikTok Users Tracks It Down

Celebrities can enjoy vacations in many of the same places as the rest of us. It’s not unusual to find yourself face-to-face with somebody famous if you’re in Hawaii and you might very well find yourself on a ride Disney World with some CelebritiesThey and their children. However, that’s not exactly how a big fan of Ariana Grande recently found the pop star, because she’s AlwaysEpcot literally means “literally”. Ariana can be seen at Epcot as part the Leave-A Legacy exhibit.

An Ariana Grande fan has gone viral TikTokAfter finding the photo of the singer, she and her family spent a few dollars to get their faces etched on small plates. This allowed them to become part of Disney World semi-permanently. You can see young Ariana in the video below. 

♬ sweetener – Ariana Grande

The Leave-A-Legacy program ran as part of Walt Disney World’s Millennium Celebration from 1999 to 2001 and thousands of people took part in it until the sales ended in 2007. The program promised guests’ images would remain on display for 20 years, and until about a year ago they were the first thing you saw when you entered Epcot Rows of stone monoliths covered in monochrome images.

Part of the Epcot redesign underwayThe area that used to house Leave-A-Legacy is now called the A beautiful new fountain has arrived at your home

. Last year, Leave-A-Legacy had to be relocated outside of Epcot. Also, a bright facelift was performed. It actually looks a lot nicer now which makes the fact that it’s more out of the way sort of disappointing.

Ariana Grande’s appearance here is certainly a “before they were stars” moment, but she isn’t the only celebrity, or even the only pop star, to be found on the wall. You can also find other celebrities if you look. find all the members of N’SyncThey also have a lot of other work. Ariana has done a decent amount of work with Disney in the past, though she’s also shown an affinity for competitor Universal’s classic monstersSo, it is unclear where her allegiances lie in the battle for the theme park wars. 

Disney World has five years to keep these photos up. The last spot on the wall was sold 15 years ago. Having said that, now that Leave-A-Legacy has been moved someplace where it is outside the park gates and is largely out of the way, it’s possible these will remain long after the contract with guests has expired. Ariana Grande fans will have the opportunity to travel for many years to see their idol. You only have a few more years to make the trip.