Although I had been told that I would regret tattooing my whole body, I went ahead and did it. Now people are saying I look like Harry Styles.

Untattooed man shares the warnings that he received before covering his entire body with permanent ink.

The body art makes him look more like an icon of music, despite his initial apprehension.


Jan Moos revealed his tattoo in a video.Credit: TikTok/jansoomich

Fashion lover Jan Moos (@jansoomichHe has admitted that he is addicted to tattoos.

But haters would tell him to stick with the tattoo he had already on his chest.

A recent You can also watch the video below.He displayed the transformation of his look and changed the minds of critics.

You will regret it,” the trolls would tell him. The trolls warned him, “You’ll regret it.”

Jan Moos sat on the sand without his shirt, revealing a small ink mark across his chest.

Two forearm tattoos can also be seen.

When the video changed, his skin appeared less bare.

Jan Moos leaned his back against a large rock and revealed all of the small stickers he’d added.

Harry Styles’ upper body looked like a patchwork.

The designs vary in terms of size and shape, with some being more elaborate than others.

The comments of his fans praised the decision.

A sweet woman said, “Definitely this was the right choice.”

A fan wrote, “I like the different styles of patchwork.”

A person in awe added, “Glad that you did.”

One follower said, “I’m getting Harry Styles vibes. I won’t lie.”

A woman declared: “I am in love”


He was warned not to ink his entire body, but after he did, people think that it gives him a Harry Styles feel.Credit: TikTok/jansoomich