Alicia Silverstone, Under Attack Again for Her Parenting Decisions.

Celebrities are often subject to a variety of opinions, from those who dress them to their parenting choices. Alicia Silverstone is getting slammed—again—for how she parents her 11-year-old son Bear

Silverstone reveals she and her son ‘Still Sleep Together’

Recently, the actress appeared on The Ellen Fisher PodcastShe discussed topics like veganism in the interview “taboo parenting.”Silverstone revealed some information that left people genuinely baffled. 

“Bear and I still sleep together,”Silverstone spoke out. She acknowledged that she’ll probably “get in trouble”I was hesitant to mention it but insisted. “I don’t really care.”The actress was correct about getting in. “trouble.” 

Online reactions: ‘Why Do Celebrities Get Away With The Most Bizarre Behavior’

Her comments soon hit Twitter, and many people criticized Silverstone’s actions. “Why do celebs get away with the most bizarre behavior without child services investigating,” one person wondered. “oh money. He’ll be bullied at school, poor kid.”

“Sorry, but that’s kinda creepy, one person wrote. “How will he learn to be independent? She’s not helping him,” Another person tweeted. Even though many people found Silverstone’s confession strange, others defended her—including licensed clinical psychologist Elizabeth Matheis. 

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“We all come from different backgrounds and the rules, or parenting guidelines, vary greatly—it’s what works for you and your family,” Matheis explained

. She also stated that “co-sleeping”It can be comforting to children in times of turmoil, such as the divorce of parents or other family transitions.

Silverstone has been praised for her parenting methods before

Silverstone isn’t the first to be criticized for her parenting abilities. Bear was only 10 months old in 2012 when Bear’s mother, Silverstone, shared that she pre-cooked her baby’s food and gave him straight from her mouth. 

“I can understand that it would make some people feel uncomfortable, possibly, because it’s new to them,” Silverstone was told Entertainment Tonight

The time. “But I do want to let you know that this has been going on for thousands of years—still going on all over the place—and it’s natural.”

She continued: “It’s a part of the weaning process, so while I’m still breast-feeding it’s just a way to introduce him to food when he doesn’t have teeth… and he can’t chew.”This practice was a baffling one, and Silverstone has been subject to some intense criticism on the Internet. 

Parenting can be difficult enough without having millions of people watching. Silverstone’s methods are a little unorthodox, but Bear appears happy and healthy, which is all that matters. 

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