
Airbnb Says the Owner asks renters not to party and push into his pool!

A viral video this month shows an Airbnb owner being pushed into his pool. The people being blamed for these actions are purportedly the home’s renters. 

Reddit threads often lead to major debates. Reddit users were furious when they saw footage of a man being thrown down into a swimming pool.

While many details surrounding the incident are unclear, the group of partygoers could be seen as they roughly shoved a man into the water.


The clip’s caption alleged that the party was happening at an AirbnbThe man was seen in a residential area. The video showed a man as he argued with several partygoers, purportedly about their noise levels.

Much of the conversation is distorted because of the loud noise, but users could faintly hear the man mention the fire department. The situation quickly spiraled out of control.


As the man spoke, someone cut him off and pushed him into the pool. He fell in, and the partygoers laughed and cheered. He did not stay in the pool for too long. He seemed to be fine and tried to get off the pool.

After the partygoers had high-fived one another, two people pulled the man in again. The video recorder Not noted these two guys was “bullies” but did not help the man.


The crowd surrounding the pool got bigger, and then the purported Airbnb owner made another attempt to get out of the pool. The same two people acted quickly and jumped into the pool before the man could get out.

They put him in the water and pushed him around. This led the video recorder to state they “felt bad for recording.” The man then realized that his efforts to get out of the pool were futile.


Instead of trying to get out again, the video showed as he swam to the shallow end of the pool. One of the men guilty of throwing him into the water was seen throwing something at him.

The video quickly went viral, and it received thousands upon thousands of Reddit upvotes. People were appalled by the incident, and one user: “These people have no redeeming qualities.”


The video ended as the crowd continuously mocked and verbally assaulted the man who could not get out. A representative from Airbnb They were not sure if the incident occurred at their listing.

According to Daily Dot, they :

“If we receive information indicating it was an Airbnb listing or reservation, we will, of course, investigate immediately.”


A netizen called out whoever was recording the video. The user: “If he felt bad, he would’ve zoomed in on the face of the assaulting parties so that the video could be given to the police.”

The user continued by pointing out that the video recorder could have contacted the police to assist the man who was mocked and pushed around. It is unknown if the incident was reported.

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