After serving plates of leaves to their vegan guests, weddings were blasted for being ‘inconsiderate.

Although accommodating guests’ dietary preferences can be difficult, one wedding caused a furious debate after they were served. “tragic”Optional vegan version of leaves on plates

One of our wedding guests took to Twitter for a shout-out. “hate crime”Vegans are not allowed. Half of the plate was filled with rocket, topped with balsamic glaze and three slices of melon.

She explained that indy100 It was in fact the second course. The starter was two slices of tomato and the main course was one sweet potato.

Many were horrified at what appeared to have been an unintentional afterthought. One person slammed it as “absurd and rude”, adding: “It almost feels deliberate – not cool and ZERO excuse.”

Another criticised the insufficient variety. “tragedy”They also shared their stories: “I once received an entire head of broccoli as my vegetarian option. It’s not ok lol.”

Even the fury spread to the other side. Reddit thread, Wedding Shamers Where one chef said it: “That’s not the couple, that’s a poorly run kitchen. No self-respecting chef would serve this.”

The wedding guest was open to telling the truth. She was not at fault as her newlyweds had made her vegan. Because she was unable to resolve the issue, “It was more on the caterer/venue side.”

“I knew it was gonna happen because it always does,”She said that she ordered Uber Eats ahead of time and ate as she was getting ready.

Although proposing at someone’s wedding may be one of the most socially unacceptable actions, it could still be justified for vegans.

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Twitter users have been raped and turned to the platform to roast their fellow Twitter users “inexcusable meal.”

Others pointed out that the struggle was not alone and shared their own posts “vegan option”Events and venues offer unforgettable experiences.

A Scottish butcher was also branded as a “psychopath”After their sign had been slammed “vile and ignorant.

It read: “Vegetarians kill thousands of innocent plants every day. End the violence. Get meat.”

The owner chalked it up as “banter”, but vegans weren’t having it.

Indy100 reached out to @nerdzrope for comment.

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