After hospital emergency, controversial Married at First Sight actor gives health update

CONTROVERSIAL A Married At First Sight actor has released a health report after his hospital run.

George Roberts revealed his hospitalization last month.


Married at First Sight’s controversial star, who was hospitalized after a recent accident has provided an update on his health.Credit: Channel 4


George Roberts revealed that he had to be rushed into hospital in the last month.
Credit: E4


In a post on his Facebook page, he thanked the NHS for its work.

George now praises the NHS on his social media pages.

The 106,00 Instagram users of the man said: “OMG my heartfelt thanks to @NHS.

I would like to thank all the nurses, consultants and other amazing people who were with me today.

You know who you are Glad to be home #nhsgoat. “You know who you’re Glad to be back #nhsgoat.”

George did not reveal what caused his admission and hospital rush to fans.

Viewers watched him marry April Banbury during his time on Married at First Sight.

The pair had a mixed experience to date on the E4 show, with wedding dress designer April’s cheating marring their honeymoon.

Dad of four George accused April, 32, of not dishing the complete dirt on a past lover before she burst into tears at the Married At First Sight commitment ceremony when they analysed if their relationship could work in the real world.


George did not reveal what caused his admission and hospital rush to fans